Boost Your Creativity by Running

Which of my followers run?

Dave Amato


Photo by Massimo Sartirana on Unsplash

On August 7th, I embarked on a journey I’m happy to admit stuck! Running early in the morning has improved my endurance, my patience, and most importantly my creativity.

Who knew I could gain all this just from moving my legs?

When I began running, I was slow and tired easily. My breathing was rather poor and my diet terrible. However, I wanted more than ever to rise to the challenge.

Many of the tasks I set for myself in the past never worked in my favor. Eager to succeed, I decided to make some lifestyle changes.

I pulled out all the stops. I set my alarm for 5:30 four days each week. Once I was up, I stretched for twenty minutes and prepared myself. By 6:00 I was ready to take on the world.

After many hours and fifteen miles, I realized something was missing. A healthy diet!

I knew that I required a permanent change in what I ate. Fruits, vegetables, meat, and gallons of water. This is where I started and what I’m still eating now. Although this article isn’t about weight loss, it’s about creativity.

Running every morning releases a chemical in your body called endorphins. Endorphins are responsible for eliciting positive feelings and thoughts via the pituitary gland.

Most important, running releases dopamine. This chemical is responsible for relaxing your mind and freeing it of distraction. And when your mind is free to wander, brilliant ideas come pouring out!

If you haven’t already, give running a try. I promise it will be challenging and you may want to quit. Nothing worth completing is without a struggle!


Stick with running and you will be so happy you did.

