Runners: Do you Listen to Music?

What’s your favorite song?

Dave Amato
Runner's Life


Photo by Fausto Sandoval on Unsplash

People have been listening to music for centuries. And its popularity continues to rise year after year. As more runners spring into action, they’ve made the choice to run with or without tunes.

How about you?

The Benefits

  • Music provides pacing — Many tracks start off slow and build until the tempo reaches its limit. And runners should begin every session slowly and increase their speed gradually. If the song is slow, keep steady. When it speeds up, move your body more. This is a really simple fact, but an important one, nonetheless.
  • Music is interesting — Mix up your runs with new songs every now and then. Maybe you’ve grown tired of running the same route. Breathe some life into it with intriguing tunes. More so, your headphones will keep you busy, allowing you to avoid boredom.
  • Music motivates — Listening to music could be the difference between getting out of bed in the morning or sleeping in. Music, scientifically, is an excellent motivator. So, use your playlist to your advantage.

Although music can be amazing, there are some negatives you should understand too:

The Negatives

  • Music is distracting — A good song can positively impact your mindset as soon as you press play! Even so, listening to music and running could be a disaster. If you run in a busy area, maybe you should skip music entirely. The last things you want to worry about during a hard run are cars and bikers.
  • Music is a possible crutch — If you only run for enjoyment or weight loss, then avoid this point. But if you plan on joining a race, ease off the music. Many race officials have banned music in competition, as it’s been deemed a safety risk to runners. Some races do allow music, but only in one ear. Furthermore, music could push you harder than you normally would perform.

Now that you know the benefits and negatives of running with music, are you wearing headphones on your next run?

